Untold chronicles of a homesick Alien

Lyra to Lemuria

The descent from Heaven

Is the sky a giant curtain
that shields a stage called Earth?
Are those twinkling stars,
eyes peering at us  from some world we may never know off?

A tale of two flames

In some realms they apparently say “the truth shall set you free”.
He wished it was that simple.

Truth seemed to exist on many levels. Seemingly different on each dimension or realm.  Truth, existing at a level those in that realm can comprehend.

Not to devalue Lies. They have equal value, If not more. If not for a Lie we would not have embarked on a journey to uncover the Truth.
If Truth is accomplishment, then the Journey and all that we encounter along the way,  is the Experience we craved as a Soul.

Lie then is the impetus, the fire, that sets us off on the Journey…to be free of the Lie. Gratitude, is due to a Lie for it propels Soul evolution.
In the end, Truth or not may not even the question.

He realized he was intellectualizing again.

Was I trying to escape the paralyzing pain?
But I did wish so badly it was true in this realm, today…..that Truth sets you free.
Maybe then she wouldn’t have to leave me.

The truth or maybe understanding of what we had done meant she had to leave.

It was the worst week of his life.
He reluctantly took absence as from the Reptilian Council meetings. As the head of the Council it was not easy. It helped there were able ones who could stand as substitute.

He decide to isolate himself. He disappeared into the forest and had been there for a week since. Wandering, he often ended up in the lush green end of the forest.
The place was generously peppered with translucent flowers covered by an aura of heavenly glow exuding an intoxicating aroma.

To complete the picture was a giant water fall. Giant sprays that fell softly and unobtrusive to rest of its environment, creating a lake where it fell then flowing down to make gentle stream.

She liked to come here a lot. She said it reminded her of  home in Lyra.
She would come her to find her moment of quietness after our intense arguments. After spraying him and her environment with her fierce quintessential Feline temper she would teleport here.

Maybe even pining for home? She never said anything to me but I could sense it.
Her graciousness and nurturing never stopped radiating.

She knew I already felt guilty. She knew I was trying to make her feel at home.
He chuckled reminded of the look on her face when he imported those luscious Wafers from Vega system. She looked at him with those childlike twinkling eyes, smiling, said “you are crazy”.

She often talked about “the way we did things in Lyra”. He suspected a big part of her never left Lyra. Though she wouldn’t admit to it.

Maybe part of the reason she was had a hard time adapting to the Reptilian ways?
Their kind called ours ‘too rigid’ and we called theirs ‘too unpredictable and messy’.

But we both knew what the ‘alliance marriage’ was about. To integrate those diverse aspects within ourselves, unite our people and create the Template for others.

He was now walking around the Lake the waterfall was driving itself into.
He didnt understand the Feline fixation with water. Maybe it had to do with cleansing their Emotional body? Going there for him was this hope of  connecting to part of her energy she may have left behind. He did this ritualistically did every morning and evening.

We Reptilians are intense.  Felines are too but in a different way. We in our thinking and them with their emotions.

He circled, leaving the woods and ending up at the landing by the beach. He did this too every morning and evening. This was the part of the beach where she last saw her.
The Hover Ferry took her to the Space Pod where the Lyran Federation Spaceship was docked, waiting for their Queen.

Murmurs were starting to get louder in the ReptiliansCouncil. Some of his detractors in the Council were already starting spread not so kind words.

“Maybe the great Fiery Red One is not so great anymore?” “Was it time to look for a replacement?”

Most of these were ones who thought he betrayed his kind by” being too soft on the humans” they asserted. He was the Patriarch of the royal Reptilians but that didn’t mean he was infallible.
They called him the Fiery Red One . Some just called him The Dragon. He hated that name.

Not all dragons are the same, was his  beef. The much hatred for ALL reptilians didn’t make it look good either.

They say “the wise Fiery Red One has answers to everything”.
But I didn’t have answer to this pain. Here I was disabled by my loss of my dear one. The pain would not stop.
My sore shattered heart would not stop aching. A part of it a sore lump of stone, dead to me. The place where she is used to be.

Could I ever heal this?
I was slowly embracing acceptance. Slowly.

He was sitting on a rock by the beach now. The waves kissed the beach quietly.
He looked out to the endless expanse of water. Nothing in clear view. Nothing at all.
But the space was helping him relax his body a little bit.

Watching her leave on the ferry was the most excruciating experience for him.
On one side savoring every moment of the last glimpses of her. Opposed by the painful knowing these were his last. He wouldn’t be able to touch her or see her again.
She returned his glances quickly turning away,  sharing the difficulty of parting from a such a deep bond.

That was made their connection so endearing yet painful. She mirrored all of parts of him..ones he liked and didn’t.

She locked eyes with him one last time. The sadness in her beautiful eyes was shattering.
But they had agreed. To part was the best thing for both of them. For all of them.

The truth did not set us free. It came with this heavy weight of responsibility.
They put the Divine Plan above their wants. No one was above the Plan especially the Royal family who had sworn to serve their people.

The news of their separation was spreading like a wild fire as “a foolish attempt that ended in a failed marriage”. The alliance was the Founders of taking a big step towards healing the Human Reptilian conflicts,

The already existent division between the Humans, Reptilians and Hybrids were now escalating to major skirmishes across galaxies. The announcement of the Feline Queen leaving the Fiery Red One to return to her people was having ripple effect.

The question on the Council’s mind was “is this going to escalate into a full scale Galactic war?”
The marriage already started with a huge responsibility on the royal couple.

Our Founders hopes for a Human-Reptilian reconciliation  was weighing on us even before our Wedding. We were struggling to find balance with what was our race’s genetic traits.

She said I was too structured, too rigid. That I never talked stayed behind my wall. Then internalize it all,  intellectualize and out of the blue explode over little things.
I accused her of being unpredictable without a structure. Talking too much. Too emotional and messy.
Judgements on both sides.

These were just least of their  problems. Those were things he didn’t want to start analyzing.

But what was constant was this fine but strong glowing thread of unshakable bond that both shared from a soul level.
The hope for the alliance marriage was if they integrated Light and dark…then they can form a genetic template for others for follow.
Which could then vibrate down to the lower dimensions…down to the  Third dimension.

The descent from Heavens

The sun was coming up. He had been there all night on the beach. Thinking.
“You think too much. You plan too much” she used to complain.

His thoughts were distracted by the hour of dawn.
It was time to meet his Father-in-heaven, the Shining One. He was to relay the Universal Council’s decision.

He had a made a decision. He was about to take a bold step.

He would meet her again. But there was something bigger at stake.
What had happened opened up the bigger perspective of it all….and its bearing on the Plan.

Achieving galactic Peace.
The Human Reptilian conflict had to end. The so called ‘Light’ and ‘Dark’ had to reunite.

He had reviewed the Timeline Tapes for Future Possibilities for the descent into the lower dimensions. He would oversoul many  many incarnations. Lyra, Orion, Sirius B and all the way down to Earth.

In the Timelines for Future Possibilities, in all those incarnations, he could see the Choice Points but the shame, guilt and responsibility he was to take life after life, was inevitable.

So much pain.
Especially pain in relationships. The unavailable ones he would chase one after another.
To chase and heal to compensate for the one he lost.
There was always a price to pay. Everybody pays. He would too.

He could start to see the parts of the Plan he couldn’t see before.
The Plan to create the template all the way down to the lower dimensions. This was how the Integration would ripple down to the lower dimensions all the way down to the Third dimension.

Not just the dimension he was at now….the one often called in the lower dimensions as the “Heavens”.
The impetus for this had come from their well announced “break up”.
He could start to see the value of this painful separation.

Seeing it didnt mean he liked it or could fully accept it.

I wonder how much of this she has tuned into it? Or has she sunk deep into shame, guilt and responsibility?

As he reviewed the Future Timelines he realized, the risks were many.
He could see getting caught up in the heavy dense energy of the lower dimensions.

Given the amnesia that came with incarnations, not all of is wisdom and skills would be available.
That could impair his  ability to exercise his Free Will at the Choice Points.
Like many have, he could end up sinking deeper into the Lower Dimensions and be stuck there for a while. To add to it the karma also reverberated back to Oversoul level, there was much at stake.
This was not for everyone. But he was not everyone.

Was this bravery on his part? Or pride?
Whatever it was, it was for sure a new beginning.

Son of a Melchizedek / “I AM Sanat Kumara” (part4)

Streams of fluorescent blue light escaped through the cracks of the shut door. They  poured out of the nondescript room forming an odd shaped beacon in the corner of the seemingly endless hallway. The hallway that lead from the Tavern’s entrance.
Almarek, the Tavern, was located in the less visited coordinates of Sirius B’s Sector 2c.

Atun continued walking towards the lit room past the loud commotion of the locals congregated around the sprawling crescent shape glass counter that wrapped the bar.

Eyes glued to the action on the Video Terminals, chatting away in groups or alone lost in thought  the vision was unique.
These were groups of diverse races you’d  be hard pressed to see together  on any other  planet in this Universe.

Reptilians, humans from different places including Lyra, nine feet tall Praying Mantis and Arcuturians to name the predominant bunch. There were even some passing Felines.

Despite all the strife that was prevalent, atleast ten galactic races and their hybrids were represented tonight.

This was quintessential Sirius B. This was his home.

As he passed one particularly loud group, a couple looked up to suss him out. Then they acknowledged him with a nod.

Atun returned the nod and continued walking towards his target, tall and proud. Lyran style.

The group quickly went back to their arguing and contemplating. The bar  counter was inundated by glasses of colourful iridescent frothy and slow intoxicating drinks.

There were not many Lyrans around these days. Mistrust and aggression still ran high amongst Lyrans and the Reptilian hybrids.

It was eons since the since destruction of Avyon but the topic and the blame on the hybrids was still afresh in Sirius politics.

He made his way to his target. He remembered what he was told.

“Look for the room with bright blue light” said the Clerk who worked at the Galactic Council chambers.

He bounced off the Snake tail part of his human-snake hybrid body to stress “You’ll know when you find it”.  Which was at best vague to Atun.

“Sanat will be waiting for you there”  the hybrid clerk chatted away. There was an infliction on the word “waiting”. The subtext was dont keep him waiting.

Sometimes he wasn’t sure if anyone could accurately deciphered the telepathic frequency of these Reptilian hybrids. Was it my prejudice?

His thoughts returned to the meeting. Atun barely managed to contain his excitement at this first meeting with Sanat. It was an honor.

Besides this project could be exciting and rewarding. More than the Lyran Reconnaissance and Planetary Salvage team he was been working for. Making those routine exploration trips to the non-happening Sector 42 of a planet south of  Lyran constellation.

He had seen Sanat in the Video Logs of Galactic Federation’s Council sessions.

In those Sanat emphatically argued against Recycling planet Earth whose vibration had fallen below the minimum stipulation by the Cosmic Law.

Emphatic and backed by extensive irrefutable data, putting his reputation and impeccable record on the line, with laser precision he argued for his petition to lead a team to salvage dark Earth.
With a diverse representation of galactic race, the Council of 144 was not an easy one to impress or bring to an agreement.
But they finally approved his petition. Miracle by itself.

It was clearly evident Sanat was a  passionate persuasive inspiring leader who lead from the front.  Intense, nevertheless. Atun wanted to work for him.

Apart from these appearances Sanat seem to have a reputation for staying away from the spotlight.

Known as a unflinching taskmaster, conversations about Sanat Kumara was inevitably peppered with generous doses of admiration from friends and reluctant praises from foes.

Either way he was a legend in his own right for his record of stellar accomplishments and uncompromising integrity. Some say to a point a of naivety.

Right outside the door he wondered if this one had a Neural Identity scanners. Before he could finish the sentence in his head a translucent console quickly materialized in front of him between the door.

He swiped his palms over the red circle in the middle of the scanner. A series of colored lights came on as a response. Then it beeped. He was in.

This was probably atleast the second IdentityScanner that had authenticated his identity as he made his entry into the room.

Knowing how these things worked, he was pretty sure when he got within feet of the door he had activated an unseen thermal field.

Which scanned his body, read his DNA imprints and data from his Genetic Entity memory banks. Which then get uploaded into Galactic federation’s mainframe computers for a match.

Then the Neural Identity scanner probably initiated a second level of identity scans. Activated by his Intent to enter the room the device probably scanned his forehead for his Soul & Incarnation Identifier symbol, uploaded it, decrypted it and matched it with initial Thermal scan data. Then cross verified it against entry in the Akashic Record database.

All these were measures to counter masquerading.

Very few and only highly evolved Soul groups had access to Soul & Incarnation Identifier database. This was a restricted download from Akashic Records database. With all the high level restriction it did not mean renegade groups did not try to hack into the Galactic Federation’s Mainframes.

His thoughts were interrupted by the door clicking open slightly ajar.

“Come in” shot out a deep penetrating voice.

It was Sanat.

“Shut the door behind you” continued the commanding melodic voice as Atun stepped into the room.

His eyes refocussed to see in the dimly lit room. There were two seated around a rectangle table. He recognized Sanat from the Logs.

Sanat rose up to his full height, 12ft or so and strode swiftly towards Atun.

He was attired in royal Lyran regalia and the robe flowing behind him made a swoosh catching up with his long fast strides.

Opening his arms he made a gesture for an embrace.

A Lyran custom which made contact with left side of the chest to align both people’s Heart chakras and setting intent to connect from that level.

“I AM Sanat Kumara” he pronounced in his commanding voice after hugging.

Sanat’s  expression was stern as he made firm eye contact with Atun. No smiles. Atun had not seen Sanat smile in any place in the Video Logs he had previewed. It was not personal.

Atun started to notice something. He had a blissful feel of his heart expand boundlessly as he felt engulfed by a strange but soothing warm safe embrace of maternal energy.

His High Heart chakra kicked into gear. All his other chakras were getting reset, realigned and reenergized. A violet flame torched his Aura into purification.

Then a rod of hot energy shot up and secured a firm connection to his Higher Self.

All this happened in fraction of the moment of embrace. Sanat was a Healer allright.

Atun realized what the last jolt of energy to his Higher Self was for.

It was to allow Atun to have the purest and strongest connection to his Higher Self and Divine Plan at all times. So that his FreeWill was not violated at any time during their discussion.

This is where the deep seated integrity of Sanat Kumara showed and differentiated him from most in the nasty cut throat Galactic politics.

Now he became aware of Sanat addressing him.

“I’am glad you accepted the invitation. Earth’s time is short. At anointed time window allowed by Cosmic Law we have to be ready to make our entry. We have to act quickly” said Sanat cutting to the agenda right away.

Perhaps there were credibility to rumours of  his efficient and seemingly abrupt communication style.

“Take your seat.” Sanat continued in his commanding voice pointing to a vacant chair beside the other person in the room. He has not spoken yet. He was watching everything silently.

“First,  let’s review Earth’s probable Event Streams and their respective Timelines”.

“Verify GFC authorizations. Download Event maps” Sanat spoke into the invisible Microphone whose voice recognition algorithms would authorize the command to the Galactic Federation Mainframes.

It was Atun’s jobs to know these things. He was their Technology Specialist.

A huge translucent screen instantly materialized into the middle of the room right in front of them. The screen then came alive and started to get inundated with jumbled moving images. Then they started to  unscramble into coherent shapes.

Sanat suddenly turned to look at Atun.

“For a long time, my father wouldn’t let me sit at the table with him” reflected Sanat Kumara.

“Even though my mother was Lyran royalty my Reptilian father of Lizard race for a long time could not help remind us we were Slaves of the Orion empire”.

“Despite my accomplishments I felt this lack never able to please him.”
He paused to reflect.

“We spend a lot of time and effort wanting to be seen by those who can never see us, don’t we?”

Atun was in shock over Sanat’s casual revelation.

So the murmurs in Sirius were true. Sanat Kumara was indeed part Reptilian.

So Sanat belonged to the same group. The much discriminated against in Sirius. The Human-Reptilian hybrid.

Reading his thoughts, Sanat Kumara gazed intently into Atun and continued.

“We cannot afford to have this hatred. Self worth has to come from Soul level not our Race”.

“There has been enough foolishness on both side. The war between Humans and Reptilians must end. Peace must prevail” Sanat’s voice boomed.

There was, what seemed like, an eon of silence. It was interrupted by the other person, the silent one in the room motioning.

Then they all turned their attention to images continuing to dance on the huge screen.

(to be continued)

For a Planet in peril (part 3)

You never forget some sights.
Paralyzed by the emotions imprinted with such ghastly visuals, the body just slumps into surrender.
He watched the grotesque bloody scene below from the heights and safety of the Galactic Federaton’s spacecraft hurrying from the horror of the piled lifeless bodies below.
Death has this peculiar smell to it.

With this seeming hole in his heart and  knot in his stomach, his thoughts were frozen.
He could never forgive himself. Never.
Not this. Never.
A promise he would keep for many lives to come (Strange how we set ourselves up)

He was supposed to have protected them.
“How could I not see it coming?”
“I was supposed to be the royalty…serve them..be ahead at all times”
He want to cry but he couldn’t. He wanted to scream.
He couldn’t.

It was the Council’s directive the Lyran royalty was to be whisked off to safety first.
It was matter of hours before the planet exploded.
The Scalar weapon had done its damage. The scorched bodies were proof.
He watched them below, dying in slow motion, writhing in pain for eternity.

His fist made contact with the partition propelled by the force of his raw anger. Not quite going through the partition it did manage to scrape his skin.
He started to but he was choking on his screams.

His eyes open now he realized he was not on a Spaceship.
Breathing heavily and sweating, he was staring at his bedroom walls.
His home. Sirius B.

Laying beside him, she was looking at him intently, not saying a word.
But those deep clear eyes exuded worry. “Same nightmares?”

He nodded slowly.

“They are becoming frequent arent they?” she asked. It was more of a statement.
He was staring at the glow of Sirius A through the largest window in the bedroom.

She cautiously placed her fingers on the side of his head.
He realized why. His body was tense. He let his body relax and breathed. Prana circulated through the blocked energy channels.
Almost by cue, she nudged closer snuggling. Her eyes were the most beautiful as ever.  Tastefully encased by her curly gold hair.
He just loved her so much in a way he never imagined he would.

Running her fingers through his hair, she seemed preoccupied now.
“What?” he knew her. She was spinning her wheels.

“Did you realize it started getting more frequent close to your meeting with Sanat Kumara?”
“Yes, it did cross my mind” He wondered what she was getting at.

“Are you sure you are not taking this mission to redeem yourself? from guilt? Lost one planet, save another?”

He thought for a second, considering.
“I dont think so but I don’t know. That guilt, is a wound I have to heal but this mission…that is what I do.
” You know that?” He said starting to get up.

“yes, I do, my husband. Your vast compassion for those in need and I love you dearly for that. I get that”
“But the guilt part, how many lives do you have to take before you can forgive yourself?”
“Besides you dont have to do it this…. literally exile yourself on a dysfunctional planet for millions of years. Even the Council thinks the chances are slim for shifting Earth’s vibration”

“Yet Sanat Kumara volunteered…” He interjected.
“…and I promised to help. We go way back to the Orion slave colonies”.
He was finished getting dressed. He paused turning to face to her.
“Is it maybe because you just dont want me to leave?”

“ofcourse I don’t want you to leave!! Millions of years?” she countered emphatically.
“But I understand…” she finished reluctantly.

“Millions of years or less. Depends how long it takes to train enough natives to anchor sufficient light into the planet. ”
“Enough to exceed the minimum vibration required by the Cosmic Law of the One. Enough for them to escape recycling back into the Central Sun”

“Are you lecturing me now?” She said. Her eyes twinkling and feisty.

“Would I dare lecture you, my love?” He mused.
He was at the door now “As for…how many lives? As many as it takes!” he smiled.

“You are incorrigible”

“i know. Off to business now, love” pecking her generous lips and heading out to the door.

Outside now he looked at the sky again. He didn’t want to be late.
You didnt keep Sanat Kumara waiting. He was impatient and curt when it came to such things.

His aggressiveness, razor sharp intellect and knowledge of the Cosmos “that’s his Reptilian side” they whispered in the Sirius B colonies.

Though Sanat Kumara was platinum blonde haired and blue-eyed like other Lyran Royalty it was whispered in the back alleys of the colonies that his father was a Reptilian…a Dragon of the Melchizedek order. Esteemed high priest of healers from Orion.
In Sirius, prejudice still ran high towards Reptilians even in this age. Persecutions of the Reptilians Hybrids were not uncommon.
Sanat Kumara, Ascended Master of the Orion Humans, was too powerful, too respected and above the skirmishes . Then he was also the Council’s golden child.

He could see the Tavern now.
Sanat Kumara was probably already there. He was always early.
“Why did he pick Lemuria as the entry point?” he wondered as he walked through the doors of the Tavern.

(to be continued)

An evening at a Sirius B Mystery school (part 2)

“Awareness…” Sanat Kumara paused, ever so lightly.

“… is the solvent, that dissolves the illusion, the picture”.
“It’s so easy…. looking at what you do to yourself and how you DID create it all for yourself….it’s so easy.. to judge yourself”

Pause. Silence in the room was deafening.

“…to beat yourself up, for not knowing better to put yourself in that situation.”
“Then you want to punish yourself so you never ever do that again. Pain is what we use to remind ourselves. Then with time you have all that accumulated pain, dragging you down.”

“Then what?”
“You attract more of the same. ‘cos like attracts like”

“So now what do we do?”

” Forgiveness, Master?” chirped the eager bald one with nose like beak of a hawk.

“yes, but what does it look like in practice?

“Going through the motion of I’m-going-to-forgive is…putting more energy into the situation”.


“All of it…love, hate or forgiveness…are just energy”
“Energy… you are creating, generating…and putting into… the situation. That only gives it more momentum”

“OK…so what do you do???”


“yes, all that is required of you is…..do nothing….but be aware”.

“But don’t underestimate the simple word awareness”

“Awareness…is Self revealed, in that moment. It’s Self Realization. Expose of the God Spark in you”.

“For that first you need to disengage from your illusion, your pictures”.

He took a deep breath. His penetrating gaze starting to retreat a little as the class winded down.

“so in the end, Awareness is the solvent that dissolves the pictures”

“and are you breathing??”
“When it gets heavy like that, you need Prana. Prana recycles energy you are releasing”

“Allright that’s it for tonight. Next class is Programming as played out on planet Earth”.

“Before you leave..fill yourself in with Gold energy from the Central Sun”
“Good night, you all have done well”.

He had gone over time but Sanat Kumara enjoyed the enthusiasm of the class. These were Teachers of the future. Shutting the door behind he glanced at the dimming sky, he was to meet the young Initiate soon.

The “team” for Earth was almost complete. The Solar Council of 144 members would assemble in days and hear of his plan to salvage dark Earth.
They all agreed if there was a way to revive the three-fold flame, Earth wouldnt have to be recycled.
In his mind it could be executed but not without risk. That’s why he could use all the help he could get.

The Lords of the Flames had agreed. That in itself was a big step. Then there was the surprise from Venus, the 144,000 who volunteered to give their light to Earth.

“Shamballa would have to be built first. But where?”

Leaving home bites (part 1)


I want my story told for it’s a grand one.
So grand that,
they’ll call it a Myth.
It’s just not my story,
it’s your story too.  I hold you in my Aura,
I carry your Karma,
But you’ll never find out.

For the actors arent  the point.
The Plot is.
The lessons, they cannot be lost.
Those who forget their forefathers,
are cursed to repeat  follies.
This time, our Grand Experiment cannot fail.

As it began

Tonight the sky was lit up by the beauty of the glowing heavenly bodies, one in particular, Sothis, known to Earth as Sirius A.

He couldn’t shake off his gloom.
Usually this would do it. Coming here, basking in the glow of Sothis. It wasn’t working tonight. Too much weighed on his mind.

Satais, Sirius B, his home was twice as big as Earth.
“What would the stars look like from Earth?” he wondered.
“Gotta get out of here, maybe the water will help”. He focused his Intent.

In a fraction he was there, right by the Ocean, watching the waves heave up and down in a secret rhythm.
This was another thing he was going to have hard time adjusting on Earth, not able to transport at will, just by Intent.
Earth’s was vibration was much lower. Human bodies were dense apparatus he wouldn’t be able to use his Light body.

He had been there for only moments, when he sensed her.

Without turning he muttered “You found me…”

“Was that ok? Did you want to be alone?” returned her soft whisper.

“No no…that’s fine” he said quickly turning to face her.

Her curly gold locks glowing, bathed in the Sothis light, big open eyes, she was as beautiful as ever.

“I knew i’d find you here” she smiled.

“Every time I see you, it’s like the first time. I’m awe stuck.”

“oh you smooth talker. I see that the situation didn’t squash your charm…” she teased.

He offered back a weak smile.

“What’s wrong, my love?” she said..
“It’s not a punishment, it’s an honor to be chosen”
“Sanat Kumara has a lot at stake with the Solar Council. He is making a great sacrifice volunteering to raise Earth’s vibration, to be in exile on a dark planet .  You chose to be part of that Plan. You didn’t have to. That’s noble.”

“I know” he nodded.
“He thinks it could be 30million years in Earth time”
“I’m not happy about the separation… from home Satais and… from you my beloved”

“I know…….” looking way as her eyes started to well up.
“But you know I’ll be here? I’ll wait for you” she managed to say.

“will you really? You know you don’t have to”

The tenor of her voice softened almost choking, yet a unnegotiable resolve in it.
“I know I don’t have to but I will. Ofcourse, I will, love of my life, my husband”

He melted when she said “my husband” that way. In her tone was strength and vulnerability at the same time, oozing care and affection displaying reinforcement and reaffirmation of the bond that held them.

“Besides…” she paused.

“Besides? What?” he tried to read her.

“Well, when I’m done with Kitreon project the Council mentioned I’d be able to do a few lives on Earth” she said her eyes starting to twinkle.

“Really??? You didn’t tell me that last night!!”

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